It's been a suck year, but I am thankful...
For Les, Mom, Cyril, Meara, not in any order...
For the little black cat that's chewing on the plastic bag right next to me...
For the time I had with Dad...
For the time I had with Jordan...
For my friends in Jax and online, past and present...
For books and knitting, Paxil and Lithium, and all the other things that keep me sane...
For cold weather and the breeze on my face...
A roof over our heads and food on the table...
Gods bless, everyone!
Thank you, Melanie, for bringing me back to what it's really all about. Not turkey, eating too much, football and arguing with family.
Melanie...thank you for being one of a few that understand that a gift isn't something in a box with pretty paper. Things like a quick hello on a downer day, a silly joke that makes everyone laugh for weeks, a smile on a face when a smile is the only thing holding it together.
Love you dearly,
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