Winter arrived this week in Florida, finally. Temps down to freezing at night. I forgot to cover the plants, and right when the fern had shown signs of revival. Gonna have to do it tonight; it's supposed to freeze again. Deliciously, wonderfully cold. Crisp air, scarf-wearing, cold. I turned the heat on last night because I'd let it get down to 64ish in the apartment, and I figured the cats might be needing a bit of warmth. Gonna have to learn to temper my personal irresponsibility about things like that when there are small people afoot.
The warmth comes from phone talks with Husby. This separation and the things happening in his family are actually good for us. It's giving him perspective and making him want to do more, do right by our relationship, our little family. Talking about getting back in work mode, talking about making small people. We both kind of wish we could abscond with our niece, because she's this adorable creature who's going to grow up in a family that's not stable or entirely healthy. But we also recognize that until we have our own, we have zero experience and thus must keep our opinions to ourselves. Still, a childless outsider would see how self-centered his sister is. We all hoped that that would change when Kylie came along. If anything, it's gotten worse. It's sad and baffling.
Haven't been knitting much this week yet...did laundry and half the dishes last night, will do more tonight. I want Les to come home to a clean foyer, if not a clean house, so I'll spend time tonight doing dumpster trips to get rid of the rest of the newspapers and maybe a couple of computer monitors so I can move our main system back to the dining room table. God we need a computer desk! I can't imagine wanting any more furniture, but we do need that. Also I'm back on the fence regarding my couch, because it really is comfortable. Heck, right now it's more comfortable than the long couch, thanks to the broken springs in the middle. I'm going to try adding some old pillows under the cushions this week sometime, see if the bolstering helps. I'd love to stitch the holes in the seat cushions too, but I doubt I'll have time for all that before he gets back. Baby steps.
I'm still not headachy. What am I doing right? Still not eating great, and didn't get to walk yesterday because I had to grocery shop after work. I'm a shade more active, but nothing to write home about. I may not knit again tonight, because in between cleaning, NCIS, and SVU (still no House :( wah!), I really want to tuck into one or more of those books I found at the libe. There's a brand-new one that's geared just for women of size, I think it's called Big, Beautiful, & Pregnant, and while I don't have the third one yet, it should prove informative.
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