Let's see.....what's going on in Melanie's world?
I made over $200 at the bake sale, and I'm asking my company today for a donation, as well as getting the word out to the suits upstairs who didn't necessarily catch on about the bake sale. If I actually manage to pull off the minimum, I'll still go. I ain't ready physically, but I'm past caring. There's actually a chance I'll make the minimum, so my mindset's changed.
The weather's turning still, cool in the mornings. It catches you by surprise.
Visited with Christy this past Saturday; it was so good to see her! She's my best friend from grammar school, we met in the 6th grade and have hung onto each other ever since. It's tough to keep close to a friend when you live in different states, but she's been in St. Augustine for the past 2 years, so neither of us have an excuse for the occasional rifts or gaps in communication. Plus she's become a born-again Christian during that time, and I've become a witch, so it makes philosophy an artful, dodging dance where conversation is concerned. She's about to go back to her partner after an almost 3-year separation, and I just pray he treats her right. He's 20 years older than us, and a bit of a clueless, consummate male where sensitivity is concerned. She'll go back to NY this week, visit SA again for a week in November, and then stay in NY at least through tax season. He's a CPA and she manages the office.
Anyway, she recently found a hobby, which turned into a passion: making jewelry. She calls it beading, but it's not—we're talking real stonework here, beautiful pieces that were obviously made with care, and she has an excellent eye for color. She held her second show on Saturday, and it was a really impressive display of necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. I bought a bracelet, and she gave me a necklace that I'm going to have to find a way to pay her for, because she was trying to retail it for $100. The necklace is kyanite, sodalite, moonstone, and blue lapis, and the bracelet is tiger's eye, jade, and tree agate. I'm just getting such good vibes off of them! I'm wearing the necklace and feeling quite pretty :) I can tell she's spooked about expanding it as a business too fast, but I did offer to create a website for her down the road. It's the kind of stuff that the NYC/West Palm Beach crowd would go apeshit over...she made a couple hundred bucks just from the handful of people that stopped by Saturday, so there's definite potential.
I finished those socks and treaded water for a week, not doing much knitting other than a skein on the soaker. Yesterday it dawned on me how great the new necklace would go with the sweater I started a while back, so I pulled it out, worked 3 rows on the sleeve, and then promptly started a hat instead. Damn fickle.
And I got my hairs cut, though barely so's you'd notice. The girl shagged more layers into it, using the razor cutter and that scissors that looks like a comb on one end that actually does a partial cut...it's just right, quite a bit lighter, probably more prone to frizz as a result but I'll learn how to tame it. It's cooperating better, and such a relief.
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