Thursday, July 27, 2006


It kills me I don't have a picture yet to show off. She's really a beautiful baby.

My sisinlaw Kara gave birth to her first on Tuesday night at 10:39 p.m. Kylie Kincade Johnson-Burnett was 7 lbs. 1 oz., 19¼ inches long, and came complete with all her fingers and toes and a full head of dark brown hair. I'm not talking peach fuzz; the stuff on top was at least an inch long! I stood and watched Tuesday night from the window of the nursery as they hosed her down and checked under the hood. She barely cried, and I found I couldn't take my eyes off her. Relatives came and went to get food for the mom or head home, and I just stayed at that window.

Got to hold her yesterday, and it felt like second nature after holding the small package that is Terra's little one so recently. She slept the whole time, making the occasional yawn or mouth movement that's not quite a suckle, but she manages to stick her tongue out at you. I wish we could go right back on the weekend, but gas prices being what they are, it's unrealistic; and besides, Kara really needs time to herself to settle in as a mommie without so much family around. My mominlaw, who will be visiting Kara often enough to make that impossible (they live right down the street from each other), is a freak of medical science; she's been so wrapped up in her daughter's pregnancy and subsequent birthing of her first granddaughter, that it kicked her out of menopause! Can you imagine getting your period at the age of 61?! Whacked!

It's got me so determined to get our lives in order. I want to lose 25 pounds by Thanksgiving, Halloween be damned, and then start trying. Les knows, I talked it over with him too, LOL! I'm already weaning off caffeine, switching and weaning on my meds, stopped drinking, and trying to eat healthier. Add exercise and we could just have a recipe for success. Wish me luck!

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