Friday, June 23, 2006

A fresh outlook?

From whence comes this energy? Is it really as simple as getting some fresh air at lunchtime and laying off the junk food? I haven't even been exercising steps. I've been puttering around the house at night or knitting. But something's stirring. Les feels it too, I think, in his own way. His physical limitations keep him from like, taking walks in this weather; he'd get a headache that would lay him out for 2 days afterward. But he was awake enough this morning to suggest tearing into the apartment more this coming weekend. And that's my kind of suggestion, not his.

I need to store up these feelings, because soon it really will be too hot to go outside at lunchtime without creating some serious stink. As Junes go in Florida, this one's been average. Supposed to get up to 92 or so today, but it didn't feel like it, even with the breeze having taken a leave of absence. Only reason I didn't stay out longer was the damn ants eating my ankles alive.

Pray for rain, y'all, and enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

The MacKay Way said...

I'm prayin' for rain for you!
If you were here in NYC you'd have it most all weekend they say!