I love whales. That's the only reason for this graphic. I think they're pretty f*cking exquisite creatures. This one's courtesy of http://www.scu.edu.au/news/images/whale%20breach%20web.jpg.
For once, my brain's a little clearer on a Monday. A weekend of rest, some grieving, some life-and-death reconciling, a little beer, a little knitting, and I'm getting back on track.
I was a little off on some of my obit stuff for Uncle Neil, but the meat of it is correct. Don't sweat the mention of life-and-death reconciling, all that means is wrapping my mind around the idea of never seeing him again. It's kind of a bummer. They'll put him in the ground on Wednesday; somebody in the family scraped up the dough for a traditional Catholic wake and funeral. I don't know if they've told Nanie; given this family's penchant for keeping things secret for a person's own good, I wouldn't put it past them...and though I loathe that level of dishonesty, if her senility has hit a significant level, I'm pretty sure the knowledge of losing a son would do more harm than good, so I'm not sure I'd disagree with them if they did keep it from her. It's a toughie, that's for sure. I still ache to be there this week, to hug some family members, and to see Neil to his next phase, but I'll have to content myself with lighting candles and meditation here at home. Say some prayers for my dad if you get a chance; this trip is the type of thing to give his ulcer a workout, and the level of drinking that occurs at an Irish funeral certainly won't help.
Worked on the baby blanket a bit this weekend, did some reading. Feels like the 2nd baby hat is taking forever, but I know once I get it on the double points, it'll be finished in an evening, so I'll probably focus on that tonight.
I'm pretty sure I've come to my senses again unfortunately, on the Avon walk. Not this year. Five months just ain't enough time to prepare, not as big as I am. I'm thinking of mailing them back the fundraising stuff, so that I'll stop flip-flopping about it. I've got work to do, but it needs to be for me. We'll see. Feels like the first time in what, a month and a half, that my energy is reaching normal levels again. Relief, relief, relief. Time to do something with it.
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