Isn't that a line from a movie?
Had a bird glance off the hood of the car as I was hauling up the ramp to 95 today. I don't think I obliterated the little dude, but he'd obviously taken lessons at the Woodstock School of Flying, hence today's graphic (courtesy of www.snoopy.com).
I think it's gonna be one of those "ain't enough coffee on the planet" days. Where little things frustrate me. Like my hair looks good today, which oughta be a good thing, but when you're giving serious thought to taking off another couple of inches because it NEVER looks good anymore, then having it suddenly cooperate is quite disconcerting. I've discovered that there's a direct corellation between my level of depression and my desire to cut my hair, so I've been careful to wait out my blues...but I'm pretty sure this weekend I'm going to get the layers taken out, so to have them fall all pretty along my shoulders this morning is a little exasperating.
The blues are getting better, at least. The grief is past, and summer's coming. Memorial Day weekend will be busy with family up in SC so there's that to look forward to...should be some family drama with Kara's baby shower and Grandma fresh from the hospital (hopefully), but they live in a really pretty neighborhood, in a corner lot, where the tall pine trees shut out the traffic sounds from the main road. You can sit in their side yard where the sturdy wooden outdoor furniture is, reading or knitting, and hear nothing but nature and the occasional neighborhood dog. Their front yard is great for grounding; I sit with my back against one of their pine trees and just listen, down deep. Family drama be damned, I'm looking forward to getting up there!
Finished the 2nd baby Ugg last night and knit another mitten. I must've been stalling on the baby blanket, but I definitely don't want to be rushing the blanket at the end, so I'll put in time on that for most of this week. Only little stuff left is one mitten and then 2 cords to attach to 'em. Say it with me, Melanie: it's too late to start anything else new.
Probably need to tape that one to my forehead. In backwards writing so I can see it in the mirror. And write it on the walls of my house for good measure.
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