Things are rubbing me the wrong way today.
First, my insurance company was kind enough to send a memo on April 28, stating that as of May 1, one of my generic medications would be increased in price. The memo was kind enough to suggest Prozac as a possible alternative med. That really pissed me off, and I've written my insurance company a scathing letter to let them know. I tried Prozac for about a year, in 1996, and quite literally went out of my mind on the stuff. That year almost beats my college years for pain spent in depression, I was a wreck; I couldn't sit still, pulled at my hair, banged my head with my hands, and bruised myself constantly on Prozac. I talked to myself so much, my employees couldn't take me seriously. For them to nonchalantly suggest that Prozac is an alternative for me was galling, and I let 'em have it.
Then I just did a site for an astrology and psychic shop in LA. Fairly harmless shop, they offer new age products like Buddha figures and candles, as well as provide psychic readings and yoga classes. In our notes, it showed that the first designer passed on the site because they disagreed with the content. I'd forgotten we do that; management offered a while back that if there's a particular site that you know you can't give your best to, because you disagree with its content, then you can ask for it to be assigned to someone else, no harm, no foul. I've never had to exercise it because, as a Unitarian, I really have no problem doing the occasional church or ministry site; to each their own. To read that someone has a problem with stuff I believe in, though, sets me on edge. I take pride in my religious decisions in my life, and hate the feeling that I have to hide them to make others comfortable. People can spout about Jesus in this country til the cows come home, but bring up Gaia and they shrink into their Bibles. I'm not being fair; for all I know, the person may believe in chiropractic over Reiki and that was what made them ask for another site. Still, it grinds me.
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