Wednesday, May 10, 2006

At least I don't work for AOL

Now, explain to me how we can have an 800-person call center right here in town, and every time we call AOL for something, it sounds like we get rerouted to New Delhi.

Guess it's immaterial now; the center shut its doors yesterday. 800+ people with some form of call center experience looking for work in Jacksonville today. Terrific. Les's main experience is call center work. Another nail in the Jacksonville coffin in my book. Like it needs nails; I've never liked living here. I love my friends and I've made a life here, but I couldn't be more sick of Florida if it were July right now and my hair were 6 inches longer. That probably doesn't make sense...I'm thinking of trimming my hair some more, and I can't stand Florida's heat. I know it won't be a helluva lot different climate-wise in Columbia, SC, but a girl's gotta dream.

Grieving for Neil has definitely turned into pre-grieving for Nanie. I've gotta start walking or something, get my mind off my mind. Not just walking, working on the apartment some more would help. When I think too much about the future, it means I'm not happy in my present. If I'm going to tough it out 1 more year here, then some attitude adjustment and reorganization need to occur, or I'll just be a sad sack.

Finished 2nd mitten, started 2nd baby Ugg, and sewed the crotch on my fave pants last night, busy little bee that I was. Feels like Thursday today, wish it was.


ruthee... said...

You *are* re-routed to New Dehli...honestly. Ric's room-mate was sent there for months for training...=)

Dreadhead Red said...

yep. it sucks. I lost my job due to outsourcing to India as well and I work for an American based bank! I have until May 31st and then I will be unemployeed.It makes my insides turn. There are 800 other people out there looking now. I am making a career change.*grumble*