(graphic courtesy of http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azemu.html)
So I've been building and editing websites for more than 6 years now, so I've gotten pretty used to the level of crap that America's willing to sell online. There's lots of normal sites out there, but there's also the folks who sell Herbalife, breed rabbits, and detail cars all in one shop. Never mind that our designers rarely look beyond their noses if something doesn't sound right; one of my coworkers got a site yesterday for a company that catered to senior citizens and the baby bomber generation. ::sigh::
I thought I'd heard it all, but I just got a site that sells health care products made from emu oil, and all I can say is WTF. I mean, my god, what's the story on this? Who was the first person to farm emus and think, "damn, they were sweaty today, but hey, my skin's never looked better!" How exactly do you squeeze an emu? They're smaller than ostriches, but still, it's not like squeezing a parakeet, I figure. Yes, I know I need help; I just had an Ally McBeal moment in my head, of trying to extract parakeet oil: "ah, shit! Crushed another one. Hey Jack, can you hand me that strainer?" I must be feeling better finally.
One of our cats is sick, so please send positive energy our way. Jordan and Figaro both had fleas recently, and when we noticed Jordan had lost weight, we thought that was the cause and took him to the vet. Now we're thinking the weight loss is more serious. We took care of the fleas and updated his shots, but he's still not eating and he's down to 9 lbs. For him, that's low. Apparently feline anorexia is rather common; cats stop eating for one reason or another and need to be trained to eat all over again. He stares at his food, thinks about it, and walks away. I'm really scared; Jordan's my first pet ever (we didn't have pets growing up), so he's very precious to me.
Damn ache came back. Not the candida aches, the baby ache. My friend Steve has his son here (at work) today. Lukas is 18+ months old, sandy brown hair, brown eyes, shy face. Those eyes just shot an arrow through my heart. I joked that thanks to him, I'd be hearing this ticking in my head the rest of the day, but was surprised to find that after they left my cube, I had to take a second because the beauty of that little boy was still hanging around my heart and bringing tears to my eyes. I guess maybe it's more acute because a) I'm hormonal, and b) one of my pseudo-kids is sick, possibly starving. Jordan's appointment is at 4 today. It can't come fast enough.
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