Ok, so, is it weird that at the family get-together yesterday, I showed off mr. sock to EVERYONE who hadn't seen it?
We're talking about maybe 4 inches of ribbing! But it was a family get-together, so there's bound to be competition, even if we don't overtly notice it. My sis starts grad school in a week, and my bro's home on leave before deploying to Iraq, and Mel the computer drone has.....mr. sock!
Ignore me. Life's in a holding pattern, and I'm sick of it.
But it's UFO Mondays, so mr. sock will get some attention tonight, in between cleaning the kitchen and tearing into the closet, because the apartment complex I live in has decided to give the large 1-bedroom apartments W/D connections and place them where...you guessed it, our walk-in closet. Never mind that we've lived here for 7 years and can barely consider it a walk-in anymore, it's so damn full. The ONLY reason I'm happy about the prospect of a stackable W/D purchase is because I'm entering week 2 of schlepping laundry to the coin-o-mat, because my complex's laundry facilities are STILL out of order!
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